"A Question of Trust" is a short story written by Victor Canning. The story revolves around a young boy named Richard who finds a valuable watch and faces a moral dilemma about whether to keep it or return it to its rightful owner. The story explores themes of honesty, trust, and the consequences of our actions.
The story begins with Richard finding a watch while playing in the woods near his home. The watch is expensive and valuable, and Richard is tempted to keep it for himself. However, he wrestles with his conscience, knowing that the right thing to do is to try and find the owner.
Richard's internal struggle intensifies as he considers the potential rewards of keeping the watch. He imagines the things he could buy and the admiration he would receive from his friends. However, his moral compass guides him to do the right thing, and he decides to return the watch.
Richard embarks on a journey to find the owner, visiting various places and asking people if they have lost a watch. His determination pays off when he finally finds the owner, a man named Mr. James. Mr. James is overjoyed and grateful to have his watch back, praising Richard's honesty and integrity.
The story ends with Richard's realization that his decision to return the watch was not only the right thing to do, but it also earned him respect and trust from others. Richard learns the value of honesty and understands that trust is built through our actions.
1. Who is the author of "A Question of Trust"?
a) Victor Canning
b) Charles Dickens
c) Jane Austen
d) Mark Twain
2. What moral dilemma does Richard face in the story?
a) Whether to lie or tell the truth
b) Whether to keep the valuable watch or return it
c) Whether to cheat or play fair
d) Whether to forgive or seek revenge
3. Where does Richard find the watch?
a) In a store
b) At school
c) In the woods
d) On a playground
4. Why is Richard tempted to keep the watch?
a) He wants to sell it for money.
b) He wants to impress his friends.
c) He wants to punish the owner.
d) He wants to teach a lesson about trust.
5. What themes are explored in "A Question of Trust"?
a) Love and betrayal
b) Courage and bravery
c) Honesty and trust
d) Greed and ambition
6. What does Richard imagine doing with the watch if he keeps it?
a) Buying expensive toys and gadgets
b) Starting his own business
c) Donating it to a charity
d) Repairing it and returning it later
7. How does Richard feel about his decision to return the watch?
a) Regretful and guilty
b) Indifferent and apathetic
c) Proud and satisfied
d) Anxious and nervous
8. What motivates Richard to find the owner of the watch?
a) The fear of getting caught
b) The desire for a reward
c) The pressure from his parents
d) His sense of right and wrong
9. How does Richard feel when he finally finds the owner of the watch?
a) Angry and disappointed
b) Confused and unsure
c) Happy and relieved
d) Indifferent and uncaring
10. What does Mr. James think of Richard's actions?
a) He is angry and accuses Richard of stealing.
b) He is grateful and praises Richard's honesty.
He is suspicious and doubts Richard's intentions.
d) He is indifferent and doesn't care about the watch.
11. What lesson does Richard learn from the experience?
a) The importance of material possessions
b) The value of honesty and integrity
c) The dangers of greed and temptation
d) The significance of popularity and admiration
12. How does Richard's decision to return the watch affect his reputation?
a) It damages his reputation and makes him unpopular.
b) It has no impact on his reputation.
c) It earns him respect and trust from others.
d) It leads to jealousy and resentment from his friends.
13. What role does trust play in the story?
a) Trust is irrelevant to the plot.
b) Trust is easily broken and hard to rebuild.
c) Trust is the central theme of the story.
d) Trust is an obstacle for Richard to overcome.
14. What does Richard realize at the end of the story?
a) Keeping the watch would have been the right choice.
b) Honesty is not always rewarded.
c) Trust is not important in friendships.
d) Doing the right thing builds trust and respect.
15. What does the story teach us about the consequences of our actions?
a) Our actions have no consequences.
b) Good actions are always rewarded.
c) Bad actions are always punished.
d) Our actions shape our reputation and relationships.
16. What emotions does Richard experience while searching for the owner of the watch?
a) Excitement and joy
b) Fear and anxiety
c) Boredom and apathy
d) Determination and hope
17. How does Richard's decision to return the watch impact his own self-perception?
a) He feels guilty and ashamed of himself.
b) He feels proud and confident in his integrity.
c) He feels indifferent and uncaring.
d) He feels regretful and disappointed.
18. What motivates Richard to make the right decision?
a) The fear of punishment
b) The desire for personal gain
c) His internal moral compass
d) The pressure from his friends
19. What is the central message of "A Question of Trust"?
a) Honesty and integrity are always rewarded.
b) It is better to keep valuable things for oneself.
c) Trust is fragile and easily broken.
d) Doing the right thing builds trust and character.
20. What is the tone of "A Question of Trust"?
a) Serious and somber
b) Light-hearted and humorous
c) Suspenseful and thrilling
d) Thoughtful and reflective
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