Monday, June 19, 2023

For Anne Gregory by WB Yeats poem summary and critical appreciation and mcq

 "For Anne Gregory" is a poem by William Butler Yeats that explores the themes of beauty, identity, and the subjective nature of perception. Here is a summary, critical appreciation, and a few multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the poem:


"For Anne Gregory" presents a conversation between the speaker and a young woman named Anne Gregory. The speaker suggests that Anne should change her physical appearance by altering her hair and eyes. However, Anne firmly rejects these suggestions, emphasizing the importance of accepting oneself as they are. The poem concludes with the idea that true beauty lies in self-acceptance and confidence.

Critical Appreciation:

"For Anne Gregory" is a thought-provoking poem that challenges societal expectations of beauty and emphasizes the significance of inner qualities. The poem consists of three stanzas with irregular rhyme patterns, reflecting the conversational tone of the speaker's interaction with Anne Gregory.

One of the central themes in the poem is the subjective nature of beauty. The speaker's suggestions for altering Anne's appearance highlight the external standards and ideals imposed by society. However, Anne resists conforming to these standards, asserting her individuality and asserting that her true beauty lies in being true to herself.

Yeats employs vivid and imaginative language throughout the poem. He contrasts Anne's refusal to change with rich descriptions of mythical creatures, such as the mermaids and the selkies. These references suggest that embracing one's unique qualities and rejecting societal pressures can lead to a deeper sense of authenticity and inner beauty.

The poem also explores the themes of self-acceptance and self-confidence. Anne's unwavering self-assurance in her own identity and appearance reflects a strong sense of self-worth. Through her refusal to conform, she embodies the idea that true beauty comes from within and cannot be defined solely by physical attributes.


1. What does the speaker suggest Anne Gregory should change?

a) Her hair and eyes.

b) Her voice and demeanor.

c) Her clothing and accessories.

d) Her hobbies and interests.

2. What does the poem emphasize about beauty?

a) It is subjective and varies from person to person.

b) It can only be achieved through external alterations.

c) It is defined by societal standards alone.

d) It is unattainable and purely idealistic.

3. What mythical creatures are mentioned in the poem?

a) Dragons and goblins.

b) Mermaids and selkies.

c) Unicorns and fairies.

d) Vampires and werewolves.


1. a) Her hair and eyes.

2. a) It is subjective and varies from person to person.

3. b) Mermaids and selkies.

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