Tuesday, June 20, 2023

20 MCQ from the poem Fire and Ice CBSE class 10th English

 Sure! Here are 20 multiple-choice questions based on the poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost:

1. In "Fire and Ice," what two elements are used to represent destructive forces?

   a) Water and wind

   b) Fire and ice

   c) Lightning and thunder

   d) Earth and air

2. According to the poem, which of the following is the predominant theme?

   a) Love and desire

   b) Fear and destruction

   c) Beauty and harmony

   d) Hope and resilience

3. The speaker suggests that fire could lead to the end of the world through which process?

   a) Burning

   b) Melting

   c) Suffocating

   d) Consuming

4. What does the speaker imply about desire in the poem?

   a) It is dangerous and can consume us.

   b) It is necessary for survival.

   c) It brings about enlightenment.

   d) It is an illusion.

5. The phrase "world of desire" refers to:

   a) A realm where desires come true.

   b) A place devoid of desires.

   c) The physical world driven by desires.

   d) An abstract concept of desire.

6. According to the poem, what emotion does ice represent?

   a) Love

   b) Hatred

   c) Fear

   d) Indifference

7. In the context of the poem, "suffice" means:

   a) To satisfy

   b) To burn

   c) To freeze

   d) To extinguish

8. What does the phrase "perish twice" mean in the poem?

   a) Physical death followed by spiritual death

   b) Two different types of destruction

   c) Death by fire and ice

   d) Endless cycle of life and death

9. Which of the following best describes the tone of the poem?

   a) Optimistic

   b) Melancholic

   c) Hopeful

   d) Humorous

10. The line "I think I know enough of hate" suggests that the speaker:

    a) Is knowledgeable about hate

    b) Wants to learn more about hate

    c) Wants to forget about hate

    d) Doesn't understand the concept of hate

11. According to the poem, how will the world end?

    a) In a fiery explosion

    b) In a cold freeze

    c) In a combination of fire and ice

    d) The poem doesn't explicitly state how it will end

12. The phrase "from what I've tasted of desire" suggests that the speaker:

    a) Has never experienced desire

    b) Has only experienced a small amount of desire

    c) Has experienced intense desire

    d) Doesn't understand the concept of desire

13. The poem "Fire and Ice" consists of how many stanzas?

    a) One

    b) Two

    c) Three

    d) Four

14. The poet, Robert Frost, is known for his:

    a) Romantic poetry

    b) Satirical poetry

    c) Nature poetry

    d) Historical poetry

15. The poem "Fire and Ice" was first published in which year?

    a) 1916

    b) 1922

    c) 1939

    d) 1955

16. The rhyme scheme of the poem is:

    a) AABBCC

    b) ABAB

    c) ABBA

    d) ABCB

17. Which literary device is used in the line, "But if it had to perish twice"?


) Simile

    b) Metaphor

    c) Personification

    d) Hyperbole

18. What is the central contrast presented in the poem?

    a) Life and death

    b) Love and hate

    c) Fire and water

    d) Light and darkness

19. The line "From what I've tasted of desire" suggests that desire is:

    a) Dangerous

    b) Nourishing

    c) Unattainable

    d) Essential

20. The title "Fire and Ice" suggests:

    a) Conflict and destruction

    b) Passion and indifference

    c) Warmth and coldness

    d) Creation and extinction


1. b) Fire and ice

2. b) Fear and destruction

3. d) Consuming

4. a) It is dangerous and can consume us.

5. c) The physical world driven by desires.

6. c) Fear

7. a) To satisfy

8. a) Physical death followed by spiritual death

9. b) Melancholic

10. a) Is knowledgeable about hate

11. c) In a combination of fire and ice

12. b) Has only experienced a small amount of desire

13. b) Two

14. c) Nature poetry

15. a) 1916

16. c) ABBA

17. b) Metaphor

18. b) Love and hate

19. a) Dangerous

20. a) Conflict and destruction

Monday, June 19, 2023

20 MCQ from the poem A Tiger In The Zoo class 10 English CBSE

 Sure! Here are 20 multiple-choice questions based on the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo":

1. In the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo," the poet compares the tiger's movements to that of a/an:

   a) Eagle

   b) Lion

   c) Sparrow

   d) Antelope

2. The tiger in the poem is described as pacing behind the bars of its cage. This pacing is symbolic of its:

   a) Restlessness

   b) Hunger

   c) Anger

   d) Playfulness

3. The poet mentions that the tiger used to roam where?

   a) Forests

   b) Deserts

   c) Mountains

   d) Rivers

4. The tiger's movement is described as "stalking shadows." What does this phrase imply?

   a) The tiger is hunting prey.

   b) The tiger is trying to escape.

   c) The tiger is restless and bored.

   d) The tiger is enjoying its surroundings.

5. The phrase "fearful symmetry" is used in the poem to describe the tiger's:

   a) Stripes

   b) Eyes

   c) Roar

   d) Paws

6. The poet suggests that the tiger's current state in the zoo is:

   a) Natural

   b) Cruel

   c) Comfortable

   d) Unusual

7. According to the poet, what does the tiger miss in its current situation?

   a) The thrill of the chase

   b) The taste of freedom

   c) The companionship of other tigers

   d) The warmth of the sun

8. The poem highlights the contrast between the tiger's previous life and its present life in the zoo. What literary device is used to convey this contrast?

   a) Simile

   b) Metaphor

   c) Personification

   d) Alliteration

9. The phrase "but still behind bars" suggests that the tiger is:

   a) Imprisoned

   b) Content

   c) Protected

   d) Angry

10. The poet uses the phrase "dreadful wrong" to emphasize:

    a) The tiger's captivity

    b) The tiger's strength

    c) The tiger's beauty

    d) The tiger's wild nature

11. The poet mentions that the tiger's "horizons end in iron bars." What does this imply?

    a) The tiger has limited vision.

    b) The tiger cannot escape its enclosure.

    c) The tiger is confined to a small space.

    d) The tiger is content in its current surroundings.

12. According to the poem, the tiger's heart longs for:

    a) Freedom

    b) Prey

    c) Shelter

    d) Sleep

13. The phrase "burning bright" is used to describe the tiger's:

    a) Eyes

    b) Fur

    c) Roar

    d) Pacing

14. The poet suggests that the tiger's current state is a result of:

    a) Human intervention

    b) Natural instinct

    c) Environmental factors

    d) Genetic disposition

15. The poet uses the phrase "fierce parade" to describe the tiger's:

    a) Pace

    b) Roar

    c) Appearance

    d) Hunger

16. The poem conveys a sense of:

    a) Sympathy for the tiger

    b) Fear of the tiger

    c) Indifference towards the tiger

    d) Admiration for the tiger

17. The poem "A Tiger in the Zoo"

 was written by:

    a) William Wordsworth

    b) William Shakespeare

    c) William Blake

    d) Robert Frost

18. The poet suggests that the tiger's current environment lacks:

    a) Freedom

    b) Comfort

    c) Beauty

    d) Excitement

19. The poem explores the theme of:

    a) Captivity

    b) Power

    c) Nature

    d) Loneliness

20. The poet uses the phrase "What immortal hand or eye" to highlight the:

    a) Beauty of the tiger

    b) Mystery of the tiger

    c) Brutality of the tiger

    d) Incomprehensibility of the tiger's captivity


1. c) Sparrow

2. a) Restlessness

3. a) Forests

4. a) The tiger is hunting prey.

5. a) Stripes

6. b) Cruel

7. b) The taste of freedom

8. b) Metaphor

9. a) Imprisoned

10. a) The tiger's captivity

11. b) The tiger cannot escape its enclosure.

12. a) Freedom

13. a) Eyes

14. a) Human intervention

15. a) Pace

16. a) Sympathy for the tiger

17. c) William Blake

18. a) Freedom

19. a) Captivity

20. b) Mystery of the tiger

The Proposal Play by Anton Chekhov summary critical appreciation and mcq

 Title: "The Proposal" (Play) - Summary and Critical Appreciation


"The Proposal" is a one-act play written by Anton Chekhov. The play unfolds in the home of Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov, a landowner in rural Russia. The story revolves around the comedic misadventures of Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov, a nervous and hypochondriac suitor, as he seeks the hand of Chubukov's daughter, Natalya.

Lomov visits Chubukov's estate with the intention of proposing to Natalya, despite his constant bouts of anxiety and indecisiveness. However, as Lomov engages in a conversation with Natalya, a trivial argument erupts regarding a disputed piece of land. The argument escalates to the point where Lomov collapses due to a supposed heart attack.

Amidst the chaos, Chubukov, worried about his daughter's reputation, urges Lomov and Natalya to make up and agree to marry each other. Despite their ongoing disagreement, Lomov and Natalya finally agree to the proposal, only to argue about the exact terms of their agreement.

The play concludes with the characters in a state of confusion and frustration, symbolizing the absurdity of their petty conflicts and highlighting the themes of societal expectations and the fragility of human relationships.

Critical Appreciation:

"The Proposal" is a satirical play that showcases Anton Chekhov's mastery of comedic dialogue and the ability to expose the flaws and idiosyncrasies of human nature. Through sharp wit and irony, Chekhov offers a scathing commentary on societal expectations, petty disputes, and the absurdity of human behavior.

One of the notable elements of the play is Chekhov's skillful use of comedic timing and verbal sparring. The rapid-fire exchanges between the characters generate laughter and highlight the trivial nature of their arguments. Chekhov's clever wordplay and subtle sarcasm add depth to the comedic elements, making it an entertaining and engaging read.

Furthermore, "The Proposal" serves as a social critique, exposing the conventions and expectations of Russian society during that time. The play reflects the pressure placed on individuals to conform to societal norms, as seen in Chubukov's urgency to marry off his daughter and Lomov's anxious pursuit of a suitable match. The exaggerated conflicts and hasty resolutions satirize the shallow nature of these social expectations.

Additionally, Chekhov uses the play to explore the fragility of human relationships. The constant bickering and inability to communicate effectively between Lomov and Natalya illustrate the triviality of their dispute and the superficiality of their connection. This theme raises questions about the nature of love, the complexities of human interactions, and the fickle nature of romantic relationships.

In conclusion, "The Proposal" is a comedic and satirical play that offers a humorous critique of societal expectations and human relationships. Chekhov's masterful writing and insightful observations make it a compelling exploration of the absurdities and trivialities of everyday life.

Now, as requested, here are ten multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to the play:

1. Who is the nervous suitor in "The Proposal"?

   a) Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov

   b) Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov

   c) Natalya

   d) Anton Chekhov

2. Where does the play "The Proposal" take place?

   a) A city apartment

   b) A country estate

   c) A theater

   d) A restaurant

3. What is the main conflict in the play?

   a) A dispute over a piece of land

   b) A family


   c) A disagreement about marriage customs

   d) A clash of social classes

4. What happens when Lomov engages in an argument with Natalya?

   a) They fall in love.

   b) Lomov proposes to her.

   c) Lomov collapses with a heart attack.

   d) Natalya confesses her secret love for Lomov.

5. Why does Chubukov urge Lomov and Natalya to reconcile?

   a) He wants a peaceful household.

   b) He wants them to marry for financial gain.

   c) He is concerned about Natalya's reputation.

   d) He dislikes conflict.

6. What does the play satirize?

   a) Human relationships and societal expectations

   b) Political corruption

   c) Religious institutions

   d) Technological advancements

7. What is the tone of "The Proposal"?

   a) Tragic and melancholic

   b) Romantic and sentimental

   c) Comedic and satirical

   d) Serious and contemplative

8. What theme does the play explore?

   a) The importance of family bonds

   b) The pursuit of wealth and power

   c) The complexities of love and marriage

   d) The consequences of war and violence

9. How does Chekhov use humor in the play?

   a) Through physical comedy and slapstick

   b) Through witty dialogue and verbal sparring

   c) Through dark and morbid jokes

   d) Through sarcastic remarks and insults

10. What does the ending of the play symbolize?

    a) The triumph of true love

    b) The resolution of conflicts

    c) The absurdity of human disputes

    d) The inevitability of societal expectations

(Note: The correct answers are: 1.b, 2.b, 3.a, 4.c, 5.c, 6.a, 7.c, 8.c, 9.b, 10.c)

Two stories about flying summary critical appreciation and mcq

 Title: "His First Flight" - Summary and Critical Appreciation


"His First Flight" is a short story written by Liam O'Flaherty. The story revolves around a young seagull who is afraid to fly for the first time. The young seagull lives on a cliff ledge with his family and other seagulls. His mother encourages him to fly, assuring him that it will be a remarkable experience.

However, the young seagull is filled with fear and hesitates to take flight. He watches the other seagulls glide through the air effortlessly and dreams of joining them. One day, after gathering the courage, he finally decides to jump off the ledge and takes flight. Initially, he struggles and flaps his wings vigorously, but gradually he learns to control his movements.

As the young seagull gains confidence, he starts to enjoy his newfound freedom and the sensation of flying. He experiences the thrill of soaring high above the sea and relishes the feeling of being independent. The story ends with the young seagull feeling proud of himself for conquering his fear and embracing his true nature as a creature destined to fly.

Critical Appreciation:

"His First Flight" is a poignant and inspiring story that explores themes of fear, courage, and self-discovery. The author skillfully captures the emotional journey of the young seagull, making it relatable to readers of all ages.

One of the notable aspects of the story is the vivid imagery used by the author. The descriptions of the seagulls soaring through the air create a sense of freedom and exhilaration. The reader can visualize the vast expanse of the sky and the beauty of flight, making it a captivating experience.

The story also emphasizes the importance of overcoming fear and taking risks. The young seagull's initial hesitation and fear of flying reflect the common human experience of facing challenges and stepping out of one's comfort zone. By mustering his courage, the young seagull discovers his own potential and finds joy in embracing his true nature.

Furthermore, "His First Flight" subtly conveys a message about the value of independence and individuality. The young seagull's journey represents the process of self-discovery, where he breaks free from the limitations of his fears and societal expectations. This theme encourages readers to embrace their uniqueness and pursue their passions, even if it means venturing into the unknown.

In conclusion, "His First Flight" is a beautifully written story that resonates with readers on multiple levels. Through the transformative journey of the young seagull, it teaches valuable lessons about conquering fears, embracing one's true self, and finding the courage to soar.

Now, as requested, here are ten multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to the story:

1. What is the main theme of "His First Flight"?

   a) Friendship

   b) Adventure

   c) Courage and self-discovery

   d) Love and sacrifice

2. Where does the young seagull live?

   a) In a forest

   b) In a desert

   c) On a cliff ledge

   d) In a nest

3. What is the young seagull afraid of?

   a) Swimming

   b) Flying

   c) Heights

   d) Other seagulls

4. What motivates the young seagull to finally take flight?

   a) A promise of food

   b) His mother's encouragement

   c) A competition with other seagulls

   d) The desire to explore the ocean

5. How does the young seagull feel when he first starts flying?

   a) Frustrated

   b) Excited

   c) Sad

   d) Angry

6. What does the young seagull experience as he gains confidence in flying?

   a) Loneliness

   b) Regret

   c) Joy

   d) Confusion

7. What does the story suggest about overcoming fear?

   a) Fear is necessary for survival.

   b) Fear should be ignored.

   c) Fear should be avoided at all costs.

   d) Fear can be conquered with courage.

8. What does the young seagull discover about himself through flying?

   a) He has a fear of heights.

   b) He prefers swimming to flying.

   c) He is unique and capable of independence.

   d) He wants to stay on the cliff ledge forever.

9. How does the story end for the young seagull?

   a) He falls into the sea.

   b) He becomes a leader of the seagulls.

   c) He loses his ability to fly.

   d) He feels proud of himself.

10. What does the story teach readers about embracing one's true self?

    a) It is unnecessary.

    b) It leads to disappointment.

    c) It brings joy and fulfillment.

    d) It is a sign of weakness.

(Note: The correct answers are: 1.c, 2.c, 3.b, 4.b, 5.b, 6.c, 7.d, 8.c, 9.d, 10.c)

Title: "The Black Aeroplane" - Summary and Critical Appreciation


"The Black Aeroplane" is a short story written by Frederick Forsyth. The story revolves around a small village in England, where the villagers witness the appearance of a mysterious black aeroplane. The aircraft, with no visible markings or identification, captures the attention and curiosity of the villagers.

As the black aeroplane hovers over the village, it creates a sense of unease and suspicion among the residents. Rumors and speculations about its purpose and origin start circulating. The villagers, fearing potential danger, notify the authorities and the media. The presence of the black aeroplane disrupts the peace and tranquility of the village, instilling a feeling of uncertainty and fear.

Eventually, the military intercepts the black aeroplane and shoots it down, discovering it to be an unmanned drone. The village returns to its normalcy, and the incident becomes a topic of discussion among the villagers, leaving them wondering about the motives behind the mysterious aircraft.

Critical Appreciation:

"The Black Aeroplane" is a suspenseful and thought-provoking story that explores themes of paranoia, fear, and the impact of technology on society. Frederick Forsyth adeptly builds tension and creates an atmosphere of mystery throughout the narrative.

One of the strengths of the story lies in its ability to capture the collective paranoia and fear that arise when faced with the unknown. The author effectively portrays the villagers' reactions, emphasizing how rumors and conjectures can quickly spread, heightening anxiety and disrupting the social fabric of a community.

Additionally, "The Black Aeroplane" raises pertinent questions about the ethical implications of advanced technology. The story highlights the potential threats and risks associated with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones. It prompts readers to reflect on the balance between technological advancements and the need for regulation to maintain safety and privacy.

Furthermore, the story delves into themes of perception and the power of media in shaping public opinion. The presence of the black aeroplane triggers a media frenzy, contributing to the villagers' growing apprehension and creating a sense of impending danger. This aspect highlights the influence of mass media in shaping narratives and public perceptions, often leading to sensationalism and exaggeration.

In conclusion, "The Black Aeroplane" is a captivating story that explores the psychological impact of fear and the consequences of technological advancements. Through its suspenseful narrative, the story prompts readers to contemplate the ethical considerations and societal implications associated with emerging technologies.

Now, as requested, here are ten multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to the story:

1. What is the central focus of "The Black Aeroplane"?

   a) A small village in England

   b) The history of aviation

   c) The impact of technology on society

   d) The military's response to unidentified aircraft

2. How do the villagers initially react to the black aeroplane?

   a) They ignore it.

   b) They are fascinated by it.

   c) They are fearful and suspicious.

   d) They celebrate its presence.

3. What emotions does the black aeroplane evoke in the villagers?

   a) Happiness and excitement

   b) Calmness and relaxation

   c) Fear and uncertainty

   d) Apathy and indifference

4. What action do the villagers take upon seeing the black aeroplane?

   a) They invite it to land in their village.

   b) They shoot it down immediately.

   c) They contact the authorities and media.

   d) They barricade their homes and hide.

5. How does the military respond to the black aeroplane?

   a) They welcome it as a friendly aircraft.

   b) They ignore

 it, considering it harmless.

   c) They intercept and shoot it down.

   d) They negotiate with its pilot.

6. What is the actual nature of the black aeroplane?

   a) A military stealth aircraft

   b) A human-piloted experimental plane

   c) An unmanned drone

   d) A secret government project

7. How does the presence of the black aeroplane affect the village?

   a) It brings prosperity and development.

   b) It instills peace and harmony.

   c) It disrupts and creates fear.

   d) It inspires creativity and innovation.

8. What message does the story convey about technology?

   a) Technology is always a threat.

   b) Technology should be celebrated without question.

   c) Technology poses risks and ethical dilemmas.

   d) Technology is irrelevant in modern society.

9. How does the media contribute to the villagers' fear?

   a) By downplaying the situation

   b) By providing accurate information

   c) By sensationalizing the story

   d) By urging calm and rationality

10. What lingering question does the story leave the villagers with?

    a) Why was the black aeroplane shot down?

    b) Who operated the black aeroplane?

    c) What were the intentions of the black aeroplane?

    d) Will the black aeroplane return?

(Note: The correct answers are: 1.c, 2.c, 3.c, 4.c, 5.c, 6.c, 7.c, 8.c, 9.c, 10.c)

The Dairy of Anne Frank summary critical appreciation and mcq

 Summary of "The Diary of Anne Frank":

"The Diary of Anne Frank" is a poignant and influential work that documents the life of Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager who went into hiding during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. The diary, which Anne received as a gift on her 13th birthday, became her refuge and a means of expressing her thoughts, fears, and dreams.

Anne, along with her family and four others, lived in a concealed annex behind her father's office building in Amsterdam for two years. During this time, she faced the challenges of living in confined quarters, the constant fear of discovery, and the emotional turmoil of adolescence. Anne wrote about her relationships with the other occupants of the annex, her observations of the war and its impact on Jews, and her aspirations to become a writer.

Through her diary, Anne provided an intimate account of the daily struggles, joys, and sorrows experienced by those in hiding. She captured the tensions, conflicts, and moments of unity among the diverse group of people living in close proximity. Anne's writing also reflected her personal growth, as she grappled with her identity, religion, and the complexities of human nature.

Tragically, in August 1944, the annex was discovered, and the occupants were arrested. Anne and her sister, Margot, were eventually transported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they died of typhus in early 1945, just weeks before the camp's liberation.

Critical Appreciation of "The Diary of Anne Frank":

"The Diary of Anne Frank" is a remarkable literary work that offers a deeply personal and honest account of a young girl's experiences during one of the darkest periods in human history. It holds immense value as both a historical document and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

One of the key strengths of Anne's diary is its ability to humanize the victims of the Holocaust. Anne's candid writing style allows readers to connect with her as an individual and empathize with her struggles, dreams, and emotions. Her diary humanizes the statistics, bringing to life the harsh realities faced by Jewish families forced into hiding.

Moreover, Anne's diary provides invaluable insights into the psychological and emotional impact of living in constant fear and isolation. Her vivid descriptions and introspective musings shed light on the effects of the Holocaust not only on physical well-being but also on mental and emotional health.

"The Diary of Anne Frank" also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of tolerance, compassion, and the rejection of prejudice. Anne's observations about discrimination and her belief in the innate goodness of humanity offer timeless lessons that resonate with readers across generations.

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions):

1. What is the setting of "The Diary of Anne Frank"?

   a) Amsterdam, Netherlands

   b) Berlin, Germany

   c) Paris, France

   d) London, England

2. How did Anne receive her diary?

   a) It was a gift from her father.

   b) She bought it with her own money.

   c) It was given to her by a friend.

   d) She found it in the attic.

3. What is the primary theme of Anne's diary?

   a) Love and romance

   b) Survival and resilience

   c) Political activism

   d) Adventure and exploration

4. How long did Anne and her family remain in hiding?

   a) 6 months

   b) 1 year

   c) 2 years

   d) 5 years

5. What happened to Anne and her sister after they were discovered?

   a) They were taken to a labor camp.

   b) They escaped and went into hiding again.

   c) They were executed.


 They were sent to a concentration camp and died of typhus.


1. a) Amsterdam, Netherlands

2. a) It was a gift from her father.

3. b) Survival and resilience

4. c) 2 years

5. d) They were sent to a concentration camp and died of typhus.

Mijbil the ottar summary critical appreciation and mcq

 "Mijbil the Otter" is a poem by Gavin Maxwell that tells the story of a pet otter named Mijbil. Here is a summary, critical appreciation, and a few multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the poem:


"Mijbil the Otter" describes the author's experience of keeping an otter as a pet. The poem details the playful and mischievous nature of Mijbil, highlighting their unique relationship and the challenges of caring for a wild animal in a domestic setting.

Critical Appreciation:

"Mijbil the Otter" is a heartfelt and endearing poem that explores the bond between humans and animals. The poem is written in a narrative style and consists of several stanzas with varying line lengths. Maxwell's language is descriptive and vivid, allowing readers to envision Mijbil's lively and spirited presence.

One of the notable aspects of the poem is the portrayal of Mijbil's distinctive characteristics and behavior. The poet captures the otter's playful nature, agility, and curiosity. Through vivid descriptions and engaging imagery, the poem offers readers a glimpse into the otter's world and the joy it brings to the poet's life.

The poem also raises questions about the ethical considerations of keeping wild animals as pets. While Mijbil brings joy and companionship to the poet, there is an underlying awareness of the challenges and responsibilities that come with caring for a wild creature. This theme invites reflection on the boundaries between humans and the natural world.


1. Who is Mijbil in the poem?

a) The poet's friend

b) The poet's pet otter

c) The poet's neighbor

d) The poet's family member

2. What is one of the main themes explored in "Mijbil the Otter"?

a) The beauty of the natural world

b) The challenges of domesticating wild animals

c) The importance of friendship

d) The power of imagination

3. How does the poet describe Mijbil's behavior?

a) Mischievous and playful

b) Lazy and indifferent

c) Timid and fearful

d) Aggressive and territorial


1. b) The poet's pet otter

2. b) The challenges of domesticating wild animals

3. a) Mischievous and playful

Glimpses of India summary critical appreciation and mcq

 "Glimpses of India" is a collection of eight short plays written by Mulk Raj Anand. Each play in the collection provides a snapshot of various aspects of Indian culture, history, and society. Here is a brief summary, critical appreciation, and a few multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the collection:


"Glimpses of India" consists of eight plays, each exploring a different theme or period in Indian history and culture. The plays include "The Heart of India," "Tiger at the Gates," "The Palace of Illusions," "Hyderabad," "Kashmir," "Kalpana," "Yamuna Gently Weeps," and "Blind Beggars."

The plays cover a range of topics, from the struggle for independence and the impact of colonization to issues of social inequality, gender dynamics, and religious tensions. Each play offers a glimpse into a specific region or era in India, shedding light on its unique characteristics, challenges, and aspirations.

Critical Appreciation:

"Glimpses of India" is a notable collection that showcases Mulk Raj Anand's talent for capturing the essence of Indian culture and society through dramatic storytelling. The plays combine historical context, vivid characterization, and thematic depth to engage the audience and provoke thought.

Anand's exploration of diverse themes and settings in each play reflects his commitment to representing the complexity and diversity of India. The collection showcases Anand's social consciousness and his desire to shed light on the various challenges and inequalities faced by Indian society.

The plays in "Glimpses of India" offer a mix of realism, symbolism, and satire, creating a dynamic and multi-layered narrative. Anand employs elements of humor, tragedy, and irony to convey his messages effectively and captivate the audience's attention.

The collection's historical and cultural references provide readers with an opportunity to delve into India's rich heritage and engage with its past. Anand's use of local dialects, customs, and traditions adds authenticity and depth to the plays, making them resonate with readers familiar with Indian society.


1. "Glimpses of India" is a collection of:

a) Poems

b) Short stories

c) Plays

d) Novels

2. What does "Glimpses of India" explore?

a) Indian mythology and folklore

b) Indian history and culture

c) Contemporary Indian politics

d) Indian culinary traditions

3. What is a key characteristic of the collection?

a) Realistic portrayal of Indian society

b) Satirical representation of Indian politicians

c) Fantasy elements and magical realism

d) Exploration of international relations


1. c) Plays

2. b) Indian history and culture

3. a) Realistic portrayal of Indian society

The Midnight Visitor by Holly webb summary critical appreciation and 20 MCQ cbse class 10 English syllabus

 "The Midnight Visitor" is a short story written by Holly Webb. The story follows the adventures of Emily, a young girl who is awa...